William “Spence” Jeffries, III brings over 30 years of Software Sales and Sales Leadership experience to ARM Partner’s clients. Jeffries earned Top or Second Annual Revenue Producer nearly half of those 30 years of sales experience, selling across a very diverse set of technologies.
“I have had the pleasure of working with some great people, both colleagues, and customers,” states Jeffries.
“I believe that anyone who has sold enterprise level software in this industry understands that building a strong pipeline and sustaining high value to your customers cannot be done without demonstrating the willingness and ability to provide adaptable, repeatable partnering strategies.”
Jeffries provides a client-aligned vision for enhancing an organization’s agility and ability to leverage more value from their technology partnerships, resulting in exponential increases to deal size and value propositions. ARM Partner clients praise Jeffries focus on creating organizational culture and processes, where partnering functions and performance metrics are aligned and communicated, an imperative in today’s noisy market.
By joining ARM Partners, Jeffries aims to help drive and expand the alliance initiatives where ARM has demonstrated repeatable successes while assisting the staffing development of ARM Partner’s client’s most critical leadership positions.
To contact Spence Jeffries or request assistance please contact spence@armpartners.io.
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